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:: TuLoY Po KaYo::


Closing Doors... Open Windows... It's A Stupid Cycle I Just Have to Live With

I woke up with a bad mood. Today would not be a good day. Yesterday's lapses are still on my mind. Plus, lack of sleep and all, makes me a bit grumpy in the morning. I was feeling a bit pessimistic when I started my day. If I haven't had a lot of back-jobs and client concerns today, I would have called in sick!

My First Stop: I had to visit one client who personally I believe should never have been accomodated in the first place. But then again, being an employee in the satellite office here in Cebu, I would just have to yield to the demands of the account officers in Manila. Anyway, they (Manila Office) provided the infrastracture for this account and there isn't much waste on my part. All I have to cope up with is the servicing and I'm pretty much fine. When will Manila ever learn that the marketability of one account in their area does not necessarily apply with regional branches. Duh! Still, that's how relationship marketing works. Please your client to best of your abilities.


My Second Stop: I had to assist another client with payment concerns. Ugh! I love and hate this particular client of mine. They don't have lot of qualms regarding our service BUT the owner is sooo lazy that you would just have to do all the dirty work yourself when they should have been the ones to do it. Their own business! They are requesting me to prepare a report of their total transactions over the past two months! And to make matters worse, the one who has access to all the raw data in our office isn't much of a helping mood today. I understand that it's the start of the working week but, hey, its the company's and my credibility at stake here! Damn you! I almost hang up on her when we spoke on the phone. As I said, I started my day at the wrong side of the bed.


The Phonecall: Got reprimanded by the boss on the phone over yesterday's mishap. We might lose another account and she is blaming me for it. Fuck!


Third Stop: Decided not to visit clients for the remaining time of the day so I went back to the office. It's hard to put on a happy face. I'm almost losing my patience. So, I decided to do some call outs to clients and make some offers and check up on them. The results? Well, one client whom I have been hounding for 2 months finally declined my offer and decided to go with our competitor. Another asked for a callback tomorrow as she couldn't make a decision. Another one would not commit to us. There's also one who until now is out of town and couldn't be reached. Another one made a follow-up on a request that I had no idea at all. Got requests with high sense of urgency when in fact it can wait until tomorrow. A very good contact, who I love so much, in one particular account also resinged! I'm starting to lose it. Can't you tell?


Goodbyes: A colleague of mine resigned this afternoon. Effective immediately as stated in his resignation letter. Tough luck. I was getting to like the guy. He still has to teach me how to edit pictures with Photoshop, though! DAMN! FYI, he's the fourth one to resign in the position. It's not new to me, but still it makes me feel like an antique in our office. Makes me wonder why I've been stuck here for two years. I wanna resign also!


My Saving Grace: Got a call from another company. I never applied but according to them they have been checking on my online resume at Jobstreet. They have been trying to get in touch with me since last year and I never replied to their emails. In the first place, when I applied there when I was just a fresh graduate, they felt that my skills didn't fit the person they were looking for. And now they are calling me cause they want me in?!?! Talk about pride! But as I was having a bad day, I entertained this company. Revenge would have been nice. But money talks! They asked me to email my resume, which I'm gonna be doing in a while. Though my picture isn't that updated (I look 2 years younger in it... heheh!). And after a very frustrating day, I got a little excited... Maybe it's time to move on. Maybe... (Hope they pay as much as I am getting now, coz if they ain't forget it!)

Despidida: I had to be there as a friend to my ex-colleague. I guess it was more of a celebration for him that he resigned. He never got the job. He's rich. Doesn't need the money. Didn't enjoy the experience and training. I guess it was just about time for him to resign... Before they fire him, heheheh... Though I wanted to go home early, I had to be there. We went to his house. Drank some gin. Went out again for some beer as his friends wanted to join the "celebration". In a way, I was also celebrating for myself. The coming days have been filled with hope. I'm beginning to hate this high paying job, and I'm looking forward to a new one. Tomorrow would be a good day.

And speaking of tomorrow, I'll be out on a date with my boyfriend. It's our 5th monthsary and I kinda promised him that we would go karaoke singing. And by the way, before I forget, I have a meeting at 11 am later so I'll be appearing late, drunk, without some fresh clothes, and sleepless. Damn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know what? whoever you maybe...

just wanna tell yah that I don't like your blog.... you always sound as a complainer... it sounds so negative... -

just saying my feeling about your write ups dude...